InternationalArtAdventures/Marianna Buchwald
6929 N.Lakewood
Chicago, IL 60626
ph: Marianna Buchwald 773 507 1300
Movement - Mask -Theater Course:
Mime - Mask -Theater courses are offered
at various venues: libraries and cultural
centers in Chicago, Syke and Hannover.
Hannover Hain Holz Cultural Center
and FZH Vahrenwald, workshops and rehearsals May 9. - June 19.2011
Wednesdays,May 4. 11.18.25. + June 1.2011, 18. h - 9pm with music group Almanach, directed by Marianna Buchwald and Vladimir Bogdanovic
We are looking for people to participate in these workshops.
Culminating performance:
open dress rehearsal at the FZH Vahrenwald,
June 15.2012 7pm at Vahrenwalderstr. 92. Hannover 30163
June 19. 3pm at Kreismuseum Syke, Herrlichkeit 69 (B6)
June 26.2011VHS, Volkshochschule Syke. June 24. - June 26.
Exhibition at Ina's Atelier, July 1.-Juli 17.2011 curated by Ina Lunkenheimer, Alpha Bruton and Marianna Buchwald.
Featuring Chicago and Berlin artists and creating a dialogue
of interdisciplinary art forms.
Artists of the International Arts Group teach art activities to the children of the annual festival like mask making, paper mosaic, cartoon, collage etc.
To participate in this event, artists prepare art materials and activities on two weekends before the festival.
Photographs of past performances:
Tanz der Farben with music by Almanach, 2008 Herrenhausen, Hannover
photograph: Daniel Guidara
Healing Fairy, Feb. 12.2011 at Murphy Hill Gallery, Chicago
InternationalArtAdventures/Marianna Buchwald
6929 N.Lakewood
Chicago, IL 60626
ph: Marianna Buchwald 773 507 1300